Monday, September 21, 2009

Is Advertising Towards Kids Right? (blog 5)

Eric Schlosser writes in "Your Trusted Friends", about the issue of advertisement targeting children. Schlosser views this as a negative in his writings. He writes about the toys, playgrounds, and cartoon characters that fast food marketers use to grab the kids and lure them in. We know this is his position because of his multiple negative reasons of the advertisements targeting children. He does not give any reasons supporting the good from the advertising.
In my opinion, I believe that advertising towards children is okay to an extent. You have to understand that fast food is a business and it wouldn't be there tempting us if there wasn't a demand for it from us the consumers. With that said all businesses are out to make a buck. Advertising and promoting are only created in order to increase the sales of the business. It's like saying that we can no longer advertise rated r movies because it will increase the younger generations who see the movie therefore creating more violence in teens. But, how are people going to know it's there if it is not advertised and promoted.
One issue Schlosser addresses is using cartoon characters to appeal to children. Schlosser says, "Studies suggest that until the age of six, roughly 80 percent of children's dreams are about animals"(190) So Schlosser is saying that the market uses animated animals and creatures to suck kids in at an early age and make them customers for life. Marketers use these characters in TV commercials that they know children all over watch, because TV watching is a top American pastime. However, Toys in Happy Meals is plaguing the issue of advertisement towards children also. Fast food companies create promotional links with popular toy manufactures, giving away a "prize" in each Happy Meal. Schlosser states that, " A successful promotion easily doubles or triples the weekly sales volume of children's meals"(194). Schlosser blames Playlands in part of sucking in the child consumer also.
Although it is true that these tactics of advertising towards children are extreme, what are we to do about it? Should we put laws on advertising towards children? Taking away Happy Meals, Ronald McDonald and the gang, and Playlands is taking many American childhood memories away. Americans have lost there sense of personal responsibility and want laws to control marketing and businesses. Some skeptics may say, "advertisements targeting children are a large factor to our child obesity rates." I say that because they advertise towards children doesn't imply causation of child obesity. You have to not succumb to the pleas of your children for Happy Meals 5 times a week. Putting laws on advertising and businesses for targeting kids will suck the fun out of life. My future kids will not know the fun of going to the local McDonald's on occasion to experience the fun of ball pits, Happy Meals, and getting the newest toy for eating all their food. Ronald McDonald has been around for ages and is just now being blamed for the current obesity issue. I do agree with Eric Schlosser that fast food should not be viewed as a "prize" in the eyes of children, but overall disagree with his negative views of advertising towards children.
some of the most famous cartoon characters created by the food industry

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